Sunday, January 25, 2015

How I like to start a Sunday

One part about getting a Sunday paper that I enjoy is watching Max read the comics. He skips over ones like Doonesbury, but they're still there. He knows he's skipping them and some day maybe he'll read them.

There's a lot of information in the world I wish I could skip over like that. Seems like so often information is "dive in" or "don't know."   Skipping over something you can see has advantages. 

Bonus good thing about this Sunday: I finished today's paper and even got through some unfinished parts of the paper from previous weekends. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Four day "weekend"

Saturday - worked.

Sunday - helped a friend move. Not a bad view at all but when we got there it was so foggy we couldn't see anything. 

(That's SF and Alcatraz. She can also see Oakland and some bridges.)

Tomorrow - dentist appointment. 

Tuesday - taking the day off, half for errands but half for something so cool I'm not allowed to bring my cell phone! Maybe I can bring a court artist?

Friday, January 16, 2015

Hanukkah at home

What a treat to have Nana and Apa visiting during Hanukkah!

Interestingly I got a Menorah for Christmas so now we have even more. 

Max was excited about his string game books. 

Later in the week we lit candles at school.  

On the left is a San Francisco Giants Menorah.

One of my menorahs holds candles very poorly. It's frustrating but nice to look at still.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Christmas Eve and Day pictures

In theory I should be posting about Hanukkah first but in reality here are some Xmas pix. 

I didn't wrap this one. I received a gift in the same paper that said the snow people were totally wearing yarmulkes under their hats. 

I wrapped this lemur and penguin but had help from a kit. The reindeer on the tree has a pierced ear. 

Our tree has a muppet on top. 

Max got Minecraft books. 

And never put them down. 

The teenager got cool puzzles. 

I did not take many pictures. I was mostly relaxing on the sofa like these people. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Off the Earth

Max jumped as the year changed but this is a picture of him jumping on Monday after having fallen in the mud and subsequently stripping.